Camille Pourignaux

Front-end Developer


Case study

Vaillant 3.0

With Gaëlle Kempeneers and Christine Paquet

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This project was realised for the Web Basement 2016: an annual tournament organised by the HEAJ Design Web and Multimedia section.

We had to create a website in 24 hours answering this question: « What if the Internet went away ? ». This question was asked in a Sean McCabe and Ben Toalson’s podcast. Once the Internet gone, there will only be one website left: ours.


Finding an amazing idea

During several hours our only preoccupation is finding a good idea. We think about the origin of the Internet vanishing: civil war? Zombies invasion? Too much dumb things on the web? Yes but this leads to nothing good. Time flies, and we finally find our subject. The Internet is gone, people can’t have long-distance communications anymore, only one solution: the homing pigeon.

Here we are, we have our idea and people whom we explain it to are enthusiastic. Our website will learn the user catching and training his own Vaillant 3.0. We are inspired, our content is quickly ready. We decide to approach the subject with humour, we are here to have fun.

Content is over, tasks are allocated, I let my co-workers imagine the layout and take some photographs. My job will be to integrate it in HTML / CSS / JS once it will be ready.

Vaillant training

The name

Why calling our project Vaillant 3.0? We decided to call our pigeon that way in tribute to Vaillant, the well-known homing pigeon of the First World War. We also come to the conclusion that without the Internet it will be a little bit like the Third World War. By combining these two reflections, we obtained Vaillant 3.0.


We still have several hours before the end of the competition and we agree to have a design that gets to the point. The integration is easy, even if the fatigue is here. Once the HTML and CSS codes are done, I still have time behind me. To give life to the website I decide to animate the lines under the titles.

It's over

We finish our work on time, satisfied and exhausted. We present our project in front of the jury as good as we are able to do it. We win the third price, we have done it.

We were exhausted...

And after...

I hadn’t enough time to make our website responsive before the end of the Web Basement. So I did it the day after. If the Internet would really disappear, it would be great that we could at least use our smartphones to train our Vaillant.

Visit the website